
Showing posts from 2015

A new technology that is used to build human organs...

Building Human Organs Oganovo is a company based in San Diego, California. Their latest science invention is a technology (novogen) which allows living tissue cells to be assembled into patterns and complex structures, such as organs. Organovo has partnered with Invetech. a company based in Australia, to develop a bio-printer. The device prints (places) human cells in a three-dimensional matrix to construct human tissue. "Building human organs cell-by-cell was considered science fiction not that long ago," says Fred Davis of Invetech. Currently, the bio-printer can grow blood vessels. It is anticipated that within five years the device will construct arteries and by 2020 sophisticated organs will be built by the device.                     For more details follow Science & Technology                    


Ultra-Flexible Tech May Monitor the Brain Brain activity can be monitored in real-time with tiny injectable flexible electronics, according to a new study done in mice. Such devices could one day be used to map brain activity, or even stimulate activity to help treat people with disorders such as Parkinson's disease, scientists added. Traditional electronics are rigid, but inventors have recently developed flexible and  stretchable electronics . These new devices could potentially lead to video screens one could roll up or fold to fit in a pocket. One key way flexible electronics could be used would be applications within the body, where they could help monitor and manipulate living tissue. However, current  flexible electronics are usually flat  sheets, designed to lie on surfaces. As such, a sheet can be placed into the body only by cutting a slit into the tissue that is at least as wide as the sheet, for example, cutting a slit into a per...